During fall 2020, many kids from Le Tandem Magog participated in the Explorers, Hope and Healthy Lifestyle Groups, so they could discover various aspects of their personal and social potential. We would like to thank their parents for their involvement. They played an essential role in the motivation and positive development of their child. Well done, and Happy Holidays from Santa.
On December 17th, our occupational therapist, along with the social work intern, improvised a small activity so that the kids could write to the folks at L’Accueil Notre-Dame. The kids worked on their motor skills while reaching goals of communicating with people in the community. What a great initiative, congratulations!
For the past 6 weeks, 6 youngsters from Le Tandem have been part of a group called The Explorators. Through this group, kids learn more social skills and are able to work on them. These lively and rewarding activities are organized and hosted by 4 psychoeducation interns and our specialized educator, here at Le Tandem.
To the whole Le Tandem family (children, families, employees, interns, volunteers, partners):
Thanks to its incredible ability to adapt from the beginning of the pandemic, the large Le Tandem family
- Allowed new families to join
- Offered children and parents quality follow-ups, including new clinical groups
- Has developed a language stimulation program for parent-child duo
- Has welcomed new professions into its care team, including a pediatrician, a nurse, an acupuncturist and a psychologist
- Has worked jointly with 18 university interns from 7 different programs
- Has committed its efforts in various committees on the educational success of children, in view of the first school transition, and on the continuation of community speech therapy services.
On the eve of a particular Holiday Season, we wish everyone some rest, peacefulness, love and hope.
Interns and employees work together in all kinds of disciplines (occupational therapy, school adjustment, psychoeducation, specialized education, law) to help children with their homework.
End of November/beginning of December, 2 of our law interns, Shirley-Anne Guardado-Richer and Arianne Courchesne visited 7 high school classes (grades 10 and 11) at La Ruche High School in order to give lectures on the following topics: responsibilities-rights and teenagers’ obligations regarding labour law, sexual consent and consent to care and aspects of criminal law. The young people really enjoyed themselves and asked a lot of relevant questions.
Social pediatrics is based on 3 grounds: medicine, psychosocial, and law.
Interview conducted by Éric Gérard Langlois on November 19th, 2020 on Cogeco’s NousTV program, with Anne-Marie Fournelle, Executive Director of Le Tandem CSPC of Magog.
Here is a short summary from the Stars Group activities which took place in the past few months. It included a bird themed activity, a Hip Hop dance class and a judo class.
It is with great excitement that 15 of our youngsters from the Stars Group took part in 2 judo classes on October 19th and 26th. Children from Le Tandem were able to live this experience thanks to the generosity and the warm welcome of the Montessori School and the Magog Judo School. Le Tandem team and the children would like to thank Céline Jacquot, director of the Montessori School, as well as Yannick, the judo instructor, for allowing the kids to discover this sport. During these 2 workshops, these youngsters were able to discover the world of judo and stimulate their bodily and kinesthetic intelligence as well as their interpersonal intelligence.
The Stars Group will be back after the Holidays with fun and stimulating activities, just like these!
On September 21st and 28th and October 5th, the M.O.V.E Centre welcomed our children, to their delight, to allow them to discover Hip Hop dancing. They were able to work on their coordination while racking their brains to remember the choreography. Their perseverance was impressive because it wasn’t always easy. Some kids even have the chance to continue the classes with the fall schedule, thanks to the generosity of Patcy, the M.O.V.E Centre owner. A huge thanks for allowing the children to live such a great experience!
It is with great pleasure that the Stars Group was able to resume its activities on September 7th! As part of this return, the children were able to engage in 2 activities taking place at the Marais de la Rivière aux Cerises. Building a personalized bird feeder helped the kids stimulate their naturalistic and visuospatial intelligence. These exercises also helped them gain self-esteem, while allowing them to make new friends, both human and flying!
At the end of August, members of Le Tandem team hosted a kindergarten prep camp for kids aged 4 and 5 from Jardins-des-Frontières and Sunnyside Schools. This camp helps the child get to know their school, the staff (even their teachers) and make new friends! Games, laughter and learning carried the kids toward their learning path.
On July 15th, a few youngsters from the Family-Children-Network invited us to a special outdoor public presentation. They were showing 3 of their creative projects relating to children’s rights, including a skit on the right to education and recreation, a story on the right to privacy, and a short comic on the right to be protected. Well done, kids!
This June 2020 Annual Activity Report provides an overview of our Centre’s achievements and key indicators from the previous year.
Supporting the children is essential.
Interview conducted by Éric Gérard Langlois on May 26th, on Cogeco’s NousTV program with Anne-Marie Fournelle, Executive Director of Le Tandem, Community Social Pediatrics Centre in Magog.
This progressive Lockdown Lift includes:
Resuming of some individual in-person follow-ups *(psychoeducation, social work, occupational therapy)
Resuming of language stimulation workshops for our kids aged 2 to 5
Resuming of the Assessment-Guidance clinics for our new families, in the presence of the doctor and the psychosocial staff*
Continuation of speech therapy follow-ups with our English-speaking kids (tele-speech therapy)
Continuation of the psychosocial team’s rotating schedule + telework
Continuation of coaching with volunteers for learning support (telecommunication)
We still receive new requests. To contact us: 819.868.2743.
*A safety and hygiene measures guide has been put in place to follow public health and CNESST protocols.
Déconfinement…retour en classe, on fait quoi avec tout ce tralala?
Voici ici des indications à ce sujet (cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous) provenant du Ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS). Tu pourras même trouver des informations afin de fabriquer toi-même un masque qui sera à la hauteur de ton style et de ta personnalité. Bon retour en classe…ça va bien aller! Mylaine infirmière au Tandem, 13 mai 2020
Deconfinement … back to class, what do we do with all this fuss?
Here are indications on this subject (clik on the link below) from the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS). You can even find information to make yourself a mask that will be up to your style and personality. Welcome back to class… it’s going to be fine! Mylaine nurse at the Tandem, May 13, 2020
Ci-dessous, nos différentes capsules vidéo réalisées dans le but de vous aider à traverser plus facilement la présente période de confinement. À visionner ou à revisionner.
Below, our various video capsules made to help you get through this confinement period more easily. Watch or watch again.
Quand confinement rime avec écran
Depuis le confinement, avez-vous l’impression que votre enfant passe trop de temps sur des écrans? Découvrez quels sont les risques associés et des conseils pour mieux les encadrer!
Par Stéphanie Pelletier, psychoéducatrice, 8 avril 2020
NOTE: To display English subtitles, pause the video while playing and click on the square icon (in the middle at the bottom).
When confinement rhymes with screen
Since lockdown, do you feel that your child spends too much time on screens? Discover the associated risks and tips to better manage them!
Conseils pour varier les activités des enfants en contexte de pandémie
Vos enfants font toujours la même chose? Malgré tous vos efforts, ils refusent de participer aux jeux proposés ou encore de faire des exercices éducatifs ? Voici quelques pistes de réflexion à explorer ensemble.
Cliquez sur le lien qui suit pour accéder à une liste d’activités à partir de laquelle vos enfants peuvent indiquer celles qu’ils préfèrent : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1KVKv8NLlwAG90cGHwisCoPyHC7uvEBCa
Par Stéphanie Stocco, Ergothérapeute, 29 avril 2020
Tips for varying children’s activities in the context of a pandemic
Are your kids always doing the same thing? Despite your best efforts, they refuse to participate in the games offered or to do educational exercises? Here are some thoughts to explore together.
Click on the following link to access a list of activities from which your children can indicate which one they prefer : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ldG-Mbh5rsQPQXQgauGBqZRXaseKWc0S
By Stéphanie Stocco, Occupational Therapist, April 29
Comment réduire ou mieux gérer son niveau de stress
Vous sentez-vous plus tendus ces derniers temps ? Avez-vous plus de difficulté à dormir, des maux de tête, des maux de ventre ? Est-ce que les prochaines semaines, les prochains mois vous inquiètent ? Si oui…dites-vous que c’est NORMAL et que vous n’êtes pas les seuls ! Voici quelques trucs et stratégies pour vous aider à réduire ou mieux gérer votre niveau de stress. Par Myriam Daganaud, travailleuse sociale, 22 avril 2020
How to reduce or better manage your stress level
Do you feel more tense lately? Do you have more difficulty sleeping, headaches, stomach aches? Are you worried about the next few weeks, the next few months? If so…tell yourself that it is NORMAL and that you are not the only ones! Here are some tips and strategies to help you reduce or better manage your stress level. By Myriam Daganaud, social worker, April 22, 2020
Pourquoi et comment créer un horaire pour vos enfants.
Vos enfants passent leur journée devant la télé ou sur leur tablette; ils ne savent pas quoi faire; ils se chicanent pour passer le temps? Vous êtes tendus, confus par la soudaine perte d’horaire et de routines? C’est normal! Voici comment y remédier! Par Stéphanie Pelletier, psychoéducatrice, 8 avril 2020
Why and how to set up a schedule for your children.
Your children spend their day watching TV or on their tablet; they don’t know what to do; they fight to spend the time? You are tense, confused by the sudden loss of schedule and routines? It’s normal! Here are some strategies to make your life easier! By Stéphanie Pelletier, psychoeducator, April 8, 2020
Comment aider vos enfants à régler leurs conflits
Est-ce que vos enfants se chicanent trop souvent à votre goût depuis qu’ils sont toujours ensemble à la maison ? Vous êtes découragés parce que les mêmes conflits se répètent? C’est normal! Pas de panique, voici des trucs pour vous soutenir dans la résolution de conflits entre frères et soeurs ! Par Katherine Lacroix, psychoéducatrice, 15 avril 2020
How to help your children solve their conflicts
Do your children bicker too often since they are always together at home? Are you discouraged because the same conflicts are repeated? It’s normal! Don’t panic, here are some tips to settle siblings conflict! By Katherine Lacroix, psychoeducator, April 15, 2020
Bonjour! Je suis Myriam, la nouvelle travailleuse sociale au Tandem. Rappelle-toi que demander de l’aide quand tu en as besoin, c’est faire preuve de courage!
Hello! I’m Myriam, the new social worker at Le Tandem. Remember that asking for help when you need it is showing courage!
Stop. Respire, tu fais déjà de ton mieux!
Tu te demandes si tu fais la bonne chose ces temps-ci? Tu regardes ton « journal Facebook », perdu dans cette mer d’informations, et tu ne sais plus ce qui serait le mieux pour tes enfants? Viens, on va se « grounder » ensemble! Chaque mercredi, à 13h00, nous publierons pour toi des capsules aux sujets chauds!
Stop. Breathe, you are already doing your best!
You are wondering if you’re doing the right thing? You go through your « Facebook journal », lost in the sea of information, wondering what would be better for your kids? Come on, let’s ’ground’ together! Every Wednesday at 1 o’clock pm we’ll publish ‘hot topics’ videos for you to watch!
Ligne info Bobo disponible via Le tandem (819) 868-2743. Mylaine, la nouvelle infirmière de notre belle équipe est là pour vous guider si vous avez des questions sur votre santé, contactez là, c’est avec joie qu’elle vous conseillera.
Bobo info line available via Le tandem (819) 868-2743. Mylaine, the new nurse from our beautiful team is there to guide you if you have any questions about your health, contact her, she will gladly advise you.
Message francophone
English message:
On March 9th (just before the government closed down schools and daycares), parents and children were invited to a conference on multiple intelligences. This conference made it possible for us to establish links with our clinical program, which was carried out during the previous months. It all ended with a lovely St-Hubert meal, graciously offered to 36 parents and children who were present. Thank you St-Hubert for your generosity!
During the last few months, the Stars Group workshop implemented a myriad of activities for every type of intelligence in order to stimulate the children’s potential, build their self-esteem and open up to multiple possibilities. The multiple intelligence theory suggests that there are 8 types of intelligence in school-aged children. This theory was first proposed by Howard Gardner. It’s kind of how we learn and what we’re interested in. To know more about this topic, follow this link:
«It takes a village to raise a child»
We are pleased to share with you the involvement of Ms. Patcy Gendron of the M.O.V.E Centre-Magog Sport Complex. Having the well-being and development of children at heart, Ms. Gendron decided to contribute to one of our children’s passion discovery by offering us a set of gift-certificates for a Hip Hop dance class. At Le Tandem, we believe that a full community involvement contributes to the optimal child development and the wellbeing of their families. We thank her cordially.
Every Wednesday afternoon, the kids from the Family Children Network Group get together at the Memphremagog Library. Through games and discussions, they learn how to recognize the rights that are part of their daily lives and the responsibilities related to those rights. Hosted by the psychoeducator and the law intern, this activity aims to give the kids the tools they need to become ambassadors to their rights, as well as peaceful communicators, and social entrepreneurs.
On February 24th, the kids from the Stars Group filled up their belly with the famous tofu spread from Cuisines Collectives-Bouchée Double Memphrémagog. The delicious snack satisfied the taste buds of all the children who took part! The goal was to show independence when faced with a given task. Thus, they had to peel, cut, spin, mix, measure, and clean the food. We would like to thank Chantal Lambert and Noémie Champagne from the Cuisines Collectives for volunteering with our children during this workshop.
On February 17th, the kids who took part in the Stars Group had the privilege of discovering the rhythm and memorizing a rhythmic suite with Jean-Sébastien Sharpe, musician and percussionist. This workshop, offered free of charge by Mr. Sharpe, was an opportunity for the kids to stimulate their musical intelligence while allowing some of them to burn off their excess energy.
Nous sommes heureux de vous annoncer l’ouverture officielle du centre de pédiatrie sociale en communauté Le Tandem, au 260 rue Dufferin à Stanstead. Différents professionnels, notamment en travail social, en psychoéducation, en ergothérapie, en art-thérapie et en zoothérapie, offrent des services adaptés aux besoins de l’enfant et sa famille. 50 enfants bénéficient déjà de nos services gratuitement.
We are pleased to announce the official opening of Le Tandem Community Social Pediatrics Center at 260 Dufferin Street in Stanstead. Different professionals, notably in social work, psychoeducation, occupational therapy, art therapy and animal therapy, offer services adapted to the needs of the child and his family. 50 children already benefit from our services free of charge.
The Stars Group’s strategic game allowed those who participated to carry out an investigation in order to solve an enigma! The hidden goal behind this activity is to stimulate the kids’ logical-mathematical intelligence. The workshop took place on February 3rd, 2020 and will resume today with a new group.
Thanks to the generosity of a partnership between the Cinéma de Magog and the City of Magog, Le Tandem was able to celebrate the start of 2020 by bringing the kids to a movie. After the movie, the kids ate a delicious yule log, graciously offered by IGA Gazaille.
The community Social Pediatrics Centre Le Tandem will be opening a host centre at 260 Dufferin Street in Stanstead as of January 15th, 2020. Initially, the centre will be open 3 days a week. The goal is to better serve the English-speaking children of that community, since one out of two English-speaking children in the MRC of Memphremagog is vulnerable in at least one area of their development at the time of entering kindergarten.